June misc stuff

6/30/10 at 10:36 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Gotta keep the once a monther going … so:

– We’ve finally got a break after about a fortnight of mid-90’s. Summer came a little early in Mayberry. I dug out a garden bed, with half in cukes and the other half with two tomato plants and a watermelon vine. I’m planning to make cukes the old-fashioned way, letting them ferment in a crock … well, make that a plastic bucket. I’m hoping for some tasty crispy ones, and not the “Clara” kerosene variety.

– We took the Netflix plunge a few weeks ago, and it’s nice to watch DVD’s without having to worry about bringing them back to the video store. I’m also enjoying the streaming portion of the plan. I’ve worked through two seasons of “Heroes” and a few episodes of “Firefly”. The DVD turnaround is quicker than I expected. Since we don’t have cable I’m OK with spending the money on entertainment we can control.

– The 12 y.o. is showing some signs of not being in control … or should I say he doesn’t do the things we’d like him to do. He’s definitely in the teenage mode, and I can understand the rebellion. What makes it difficult for Kristal and me is that we were both low maintenance teenagers. At least that’s how I remember it! Anyhow, it will be a challenge, as it is for many parents, to steer a headstrong teenager in the path they need to go. God help us.

– The TaterBed has had a heck of a time with rats. With chickens in the backyard, the vermin found a steady food supply from the chickenfeed. I tried traps but did not have much success. I was a little leery of using poison, as we have a dog outside, but Kristal got some and it has done the trick. We’ve disposed of over ten rats this month at the open woods across the street. I pick them up with a shovel, walk across the road and fling them. I can’t tell you if dead rats bounce, but it’s convenient to have empty property nearby for just such a situation.

– My TV remote is just about wore out, and it’s aggravating having to mess with it. I don’t know if I can find a replacement with all of the buttons I need for cheap, but push is coming to shove.

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