Yes I’m Here

4/07/12 at 7:58 am | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Besides breaking the silence, the title has more to do about today. The church has names for Thursday (Maundy) where we recognize the last supper and betrayal, Friday (Good) with His Passion and Easter Sunday. What do we have to say about Saturday? This day intrigues me, as it seemed to be a day without God on earth.

Only a handful of people on that day felt abandoned, while the rest did not realize the magnitude of the events. But then again, most had lived their lives feeling abandoned, wondering when God was going to do something about His chosen people. Hey, I go to temple and give my offerings. I may not be perfect but I’m trying to obey the laws as best I can. I support the Sanhedrin and even know a few of them. So why does it feel like the Romans (world) have their foot on my throat? When do we get to stomp on them?!

God sent His Son to show us a better way, but many back then as well as now didn’t believe, didn’t want to change. We choose the wrong battlefield – it’s not the marketplace, legislature or even church board. It’s our hearts. One stony section at a time, we need to yield our hearts to His crucible, allowing Him to shape it, mend it, strengthen it and fill it. His priorities directed by the Holy Spirit – God help me with this selfish fool I see in the mirror each day.

God did not abandon His people back then and He is here today. But what to call this day? Descent Saturday? interstitial Saturday? (Oops, my technical side reared up.) I’ll nominate Healing Saturday. Today should be a day of healing broken relationships, finding freedom from the things that weigh us down, hold us back and interfere in our relationships with Jesus. The sacrifice has been made, we are cleansed, it’s time to forgive ourselves and take the first step in a new day as Jesus has paid the price.

Yes He is here. Hallelujah! Even though He may be subduing the liar in the depths of this earth, He is still here. I am here Lord, fill out my to-do list.

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